This component consists of assisting detainees in detention centers with food, health, clothing and cultural activities.
civil prison of lomé:
- March – April 2009: :donations of food and clothing worth 700,000 FCFA.
- June-July 2009 :donations of a batch of medicines worth 50,750 FCFA.
- September-October 2009 :donations of medicines and food worth150,000 FCFA
- April to December 2009:film screenings 180, 000 FCFA. These film screenings are carried out in order to bring about a change of mentality and behavior towards the prisoners. This education and entertainment program began in April 2009 and covered the rest of the months of the year. The projected films are religious, educational and cultural. The selection was thorough, because the members of the NGO wanted through these projections, to bring the prisoners to become aware of their state of misery and to change behavior in order to avoid the recidivism.
- December 2010 :food donations worth 250,000 FCFA
civil prison of Tsévié :
- April 2009 :donations of clothing and food worth 175,000 FCFA /b>
civil prison of Aneho :
- June 2009 :donations of food and clothing worth 250,000 FCFA
- October 2017 :donations of food and clothing worth 250,000 FCFA
This donation ceremony was conducted by four members of the NGO in the presence of the head of the civil prison of Aného. The donations involved a lot of clothes, a bag of rice and a box of soap all worth.
It should be noted that places of detention are quite sensitive places and therefore taking pictures are not allowed by some prison officials.
Training of Humanitarian Service Officers (28 November 2018)
In order to extend our assistance to detainees in civilian prisons inside the country, the NGO initiated the establishment of a program called “Support Program for Detainees”. . In the process of this program, the NGO recruited Humanitarian Service Agents. These agents are volunteer trainees that the NGO has trained and deployed in the field for the sensitization of natural and legal persons on the importance of the humanitarian works and in this case the difficulties related in the process of the assistance to the persons in charge. detention and their social reintegration. The training organized for the latter focused on the theme: “The human being: engine of economic and social development”. This training takes place in the meeting room of the firm CAGECFI one of the partners of CIERS. The training was facilitated by Mr. AZIANSI Améganvi Benjamin, Sociologist of Development and Organizations; Mr. GUEZERE Kodzovi Gildas, Sociologist in Community Development and Mr. ABIDONOU Komlan Ferdinand, Executive Director of the NGO CIERS.
The objective of this training is to build the capacity of the Humanitarian Service Agents on the fieldwork strategies, as regards the collection of donations and the development of partnership.
The modules developed are as follows:
- The place of man in the process of social change.
- Mission, quality, advantages and difficulties facing the main actors involved in this program.
- Methodology of work of a humanitarian service agent
It should be noted that after this training, officers are deployed in the field for outreach, close partnership development and donation collection.