Entrepreneurship training and social reintegration support
The NGO, with the support of its partner CAGECFI, organized in 2009 an entrepreneurship training course for young people, including a former prisoner.
This training really started in August 2009 at the Center for Training and Capacity Building in Human Resources (CEFORC-RH). The registration fee was the only participation of the candidates. The NGO financed all the training, thanks to the help of the firm CAGECFI.
The training of these entrepreneurship candidates took place over a period of six (06) months. A control test was organized during the month of December 2009. At the end of the tests, a certificate was given to the recipients. The training program included among others the following modules:
Apprenticeship (hairdressing)
In order to promote the girl, the NGO has since 2016 apprenticed (hairstyling) this girl with a scholarship of 20 000FCFA per month.
At the end of the training, the NGO in agreement with its privileged partner CAGECFI and as part of its works of social reintegration supported the latter in the exercise of income-generating activities. The total cost of training and support for social reintegration amounts to 1,350,000 FCFA.